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Why I cannot add Hikvision camera to DIGIEVER NVR?

From firmware version 5.5.0, Hikvision camera's CGI protocol and HTTP URL are disabled in default. It is necessary to set up camera first. Then, users can successfully add camera to NVR. There are 2 methods: 1) Enable Hikvision CGI 2) Enable ONVIF protocol and add an ONVIF User


Method 1

Please follow below instructions to enable Hikvision CGI:

[Step 1] Go to camera web GUI:
    Configuration -> Network -> Advanced Settings -> Integration Protocol

[Step 2] Enable Hikvision CGI 

[Step 3] Choose "digest/basic" in Hivision CGI Authentication

[Step 4] Click "Save" button

*Note: If username and password is incorrect, and users have logged in unsuccessfully for six times, Hikvision camera will treat it as illegal login, which may also causes Hikvision camera unable to be added into NVR.

To avoid the possibility, users may follow below instructions to disable illegal login lock:

[Step 1] Go to camera web GUI: Configuration -> Network -> Security -> Security Service

[Step 2] Disable illegal login lock 

[Step 3] Click "Save" button


Method 2

Please follow below instructions to Enable ONVIF protocol and add an ONVIF User:

[Step 1] Go to "Configuration"

[Step 2] Go to "Network"

[Step 3] Go to "Advanced Settings"

[Step 4] Go to "Integration Protocol"

[Step 5] Click "Enable Open Network Video Interface"

[Step 6] Choose "Digest&ws-username token"

[Step 7] Click "Add"

[Step 8] Enter Username & Password of the ONVIF User

[Step 9] Choose "Administrator"

[Step 10] Click "OK"

[Step 11] Click "Save"

*Note: Make sure the firmware version of your DIGIEVER NVR is FW75-1 or later. If not, please upgrade your DIGIEVER NVR to FW75-1 or later.