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How to make your USB device as a boot disk for Dual Recovery?

Applied models:

●    DS-16X00-RM UHD / DS-8X00-RM UHD / DS-4200 UHD / DS-2200 UHD / DS-2200 UHD+ / VD UHD+


[Step 1] Prepare a USB device more than 16GB.

[Step 2] Download usbit (USB Image Tool) from:


[Step 3] Download Recovery8G_Sup_futureDual_230823.exe (recovery file) from


[Step 4] Unzip the file of usbit (USB Image Tool) and Recovery8G_Sup_futureDual_230823.exe (recovery file).

[Step 5] Start USB Image Tool on the PC.

[Step 6] Select USB device and choose "Restore".

[Step 7] Select recovery image "recovery.img".

[Step 8] Select "yes" to start restore your USB device.


[Step 9] Prepare FW Image for different models:

DS-16x00-RM UHD & DS-8x00-RM UHD

- Download FW_image_Pro2_NVR.exe. (FW image) from:

- Unzip the file FW_image_Pro2_NVR.exe.

- Copy FW image file (dual_rootfs.img) and file to the USB device that contains hk file.


DS-4200 UHD & DS-2200 UHD

- Download FW_image_NVR.exe (FW image) from:

   (Note: Default recovery FW is FW3.1.0.73-3. User can update the FW after dual recovery.)  

- Unzip the file FW_image_NVR.exe.

- Copy FW image file (dual_rootfs.img) to the USB device that contains hk file.


 DS-2200 UHD+

- Download FW_image_NVR.exe (FW image) from:

   (Note: Default recovery FW is FW6.1.0.76. User can update the FW after dual recovery.) 

- Unzip the file FW_image_NVR.exe.

- Copy FW image file (dual_rootfs.img) to the USB device that contains hk file.


VD-0000 UHD+

- Download FW_image_Decoder.exe. (FW image) from:

   (Note: Default Recovery FW is FW2.0.0.8-1. User can update the FW after dual recovery.)

- Unzip the file FW_image_Decoder.exe. (FW image).

- Copy FW image file (dual_rootfs.img) to the USB device that contains hk file.